Reframing a historic monument and retelling a story anew.
INUIT NUTAAT (Greenlandic for ‘New people’) transformed an existing historic monument in order to challenge prejudices and empower vulnerable minorities in the city.
As part of Copenhagen Light Festival 2019, taking place February 1-24, the installation was on show every day, all day and all night, at Christianshavns Torv in Copenhagen.
The exhibition was opened with cake, warm lemonade and speeches by David Hertling Péronard of SIIKU and Lars Lerche of Kalaallit Illuutaat / Det Grønlandske Hus i København – and was closed with a finissage event including a performance by The Sarpik Choir.
INUIT NUTAAT was a collaboration between SIIKU, Kalaallit Illuutaat / Det Grønlandske Hus i København, Nordatlantens Brygge and Copenhagen Light Festival.
Support: Den Grønlandske Fond, Rådet for Visuel Kunst and Christianshavns Lokaludvalg.
Assistance: Gadget Group / Peer Clausen and Nikolaj Graakjær.